
Lesson 3 - Comprehension test

1.1.2024, , Izvor: Verlag Dashöfer

Lesson 3 - Comprehension test

1. Choose the right word from the brackets to fill the gap.

  1. This company needs to ________ three new people for their new office in Poprad. (recruit/join)
  2. They hope to _______ the successful applicants by the end of next month. (appoint/apply)
  3. We are using a recruitment ___________ to find suitable candidates for us. (headhunter/agency)
  4. We advertised the __________ in the national newspapers last week. (applicants/positions
  5. So far, over 200 people have applied for the __________. (works/posts)
  6. On Friday we will draw up a ___________ of 5-6 people. (reference/shortlist)
  7. Then they‘ll invite them for an __________.
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