
Lesson 12 - Comprehension test

1.1.2024, , Izvor: Verlag Dashöfer

Lesson 12 – Comprehension test

1. What are the basic elements of presentation? What are basic parts of presentation structure?

2a. Paying attention to correct word order, arrange each of the following sets of words to form questions beginning with interrogative pronouns which are the objects of the verbs. If necessary, add the auxiliary do, does or did. For example:

  1. he, likes, what
  2. you, are reading, what
  3. one, can do, what
  4. they, bought, which

2b. For each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with the interrogative pronoun who or whom. Use who if the pronoun is the subject of the verb, and use whom if the pronoun is the object of the verb or the object of a preposition. For example:

  1. _______ did he tell?
  2. _______ answered the question correctly?
  3. _______ does she like the best?
  4. _______ would be the most suitable person for the job?

2c. Paying attention to grammar, for each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with who, whom or whose. In these sentences, use whose only as a possessive adjective, preceding a noun. For example:

  1. _______ child is this?
  2. _______ was allowed to enter the competition?
  3. _______ handwriting is the most legible?
  4. With _______ was she speaking?

2d. For each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with either what or which. For example:

     Pošaljite nam povratnu informaciju
    Što mislite o našem portalu?
    Vaša poruka je uspješno poslana.